Monday, March 26, 2012


If you would like to volunteer to come in and read with students please let me know....I would need you around 12:30 or so on any day of the week...let me know if you are available!


Hi Parents,

We are making solar smores on Thursday and are in need of these items...

Graham crackers
Paper baking cups
Foil baking cups
Jumbo marshmallows
6 Hershey bars


Also, report cards were sent home in a white envelope on Friday....please sign and return them. Some were sent home in big envelopes and some were sent home in small envelopes.

Here's a quick review of this week...
Reading-Theme or lesson learned from text
Spelling-long 00 spelled ui, ue, ew
Science-Solids, liquids and gases and food chains
Social Studies-Inventors and inventions

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


AB wrote a really great story in the writing workstation today!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This week...


I hope everyone had a great spring break! I know mine was very relaxing...I was able to put those Barnes and Noble gift cards you gave me for my birthday to use and do lots of reading! Here is a quick overview of our week....

Math-subtraction and addition math facts...don't forget to practice at home!

Reading and Spelling-ie, igh, kn, wr

Language-publishing If I Went to Poems...check out some of the ones that have been published...they are outside the door, capitalization

Social Studies-inventors and inventions

Science-matter:solids, liquids, and gases

Monday, March 19, 2012


Mrs. Paschal's father came on Friday and talked to the school about respect. Here are some photos I snapped while he was here.


We took a "field trip" down the hall to look at the inventions some of the older kids had made. I'm pretty sure we have some aspiring inventors!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ice cream!

We made ice cream as part of our planner today!

Gardening fun!

We went to the garden today to plant some wildflowers. They should be sprouting after spring break!