Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here's what's happening this week...


Our class party is this Thursday from 5:30-7:oo! Please come have fun with us underneath the pavillion at the playground!

Here are the sounds that we are reviewing this week:
/w/, /r/, /j/, /k/ and short e

The sight words for this week are:


Our big question of the week this week is, "What is around us at school?" in an effort to build a more robust vocabulary I am introducing these words to the kiddos this week:


These words will be in some various poems and stories that we read this week. Have some conversations with your kiddo about these words...it always surprises me how much they already know!

I also introduced adjectives this week...so far we have talked about nouns, verbs and adjectives. I'm so excited to see all the budding writers in this class!

In math we are learning about adding with 0,1, and 2, adding doubles, (i.e. 4+4=8) and near doubles (i.e. 3+4=7). We will also be learning about facts with 5 on 10-frame and making 10 on 10-frame.

We are wrapping up our old planner and starting our new planner. This new planner falls under How We Express Ourselves. We will be inquiring about art and artists. I'm so excited to start this planner and can't wait to see what happens!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

sight words and sounds

Hi! Here are the sight words for this week:


The sounds we will be reviewing this week are:

/l/, /ll/
short o

please review these sounds and words with your child at home this week!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Here's what happened in our world today....

We were busy today! Check out some of the things we did at school!

Our current planner is all about manners and being a good friend. We read this silly, but fun book today about how NOT to have good manners!

The Kindness Quilt is a story about a class that decides to write down and draw about the kind things they do for each other. Each child will be making their own square for the 1st grade Kindness Quilt!

In math, we investigated the calendar...we actually do a calendar routine every morning...ask your kiddo about it...I'm sure they will be thrilled to tell you what happens during calendar!

These are our sight words for the week as well as the consonants that have been introduced. Please go over them with your child!

Last week I introduced the consonant Mm. We practiced using Mm by writing down all the words where we can hear the /m/ sound at the beginning and ending of words.


Homework went out today...don't forget that it is all due on FRIDAY.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Hook 'em Horns! I'll be cheering on my alma mater this weekend! Enjoy the last weekend of summer!