Friday, May 15, 2009

Pretty Please?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the wonderful gifts that you gave me for teacher appreciation...they are certainly valued.

We are in need of some things for an experiment and a game we are going to play next week. We need a large container of goldfish (the kind that you eat..not the swimmy kind) red disposable bowls, blue disposable bowls and a small bag of potting soil. If you can donate any of these things please send them to school with your child.

Kristal :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Field Day!!!!


Field Day is this Wednesday! We have decided to be Miss Kristal's Race Cars. Melanie has ordered our shirts and they should be in soon...I am asking that every child bring $5 for the cost of the shirt.

I will definitely need some volunteers to help with things on Wednesday...we need popsicles, water, and ice chests filled with ice. If you are able to donate these things and your time just let me know!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

RE brought these beautiful candlesticks to me from Sudan for teacher appreciation. Thank you so much!

Halves, Thirds, Fourths and Fifths

Since we conquered fractions yesterday, today we talked about sharing pennies equally among friends. We pretended everyone had some pennies and the kids had to figure out how many pennies each person would get if were split between 2, 3, 4 and 5 people.

Fractions! Fractions! Fractions!

Yesterday I introduced fractions...oh, the dreaded fractions! Everyone caught on really well...yay!

Under the sea!

Today Young Audiences of Houston came to school to teach us about the ocean through dance. Dancers from the University of Houston Dance Ensemble performed different dances for us portraying different sea creatures. Can you guess what creature is in the 1st picture? Ask your kiddo to show you how to do the lobster rock!