Thursday, January 14, 2010

Miss Kristal goes extreme!

As some of you know, I was off campus today because some friends of mine were chosen to recieve a new house from ABC Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Last night I was able to snag a blue shirt and helped out with some artwork for one of the bedrooms...this was what my hands looked like at 2:30 this morning after my shift....and here is the house! I was able to be at the reveal today and I am so ecstatic for this family!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Stanford Testing

Last week, this week and for the 1st part of next week we will be reviewing for our Stanford test in class. Our focus in January will mainly be on preparing for and taking the Stanford test. It is extremely important that the students come everyday and be on time. Due to confidential test materials being in the room, no parents are allowed in the classroom after 8:00 am during the week of the test. The test is given over 5 days about an hour each day. Please do not stress yourself or the children out. Trust me, I will be doing enough stressing for all of us combined. :) We have been practicing our test taking skills. Also, the questions range from Kinder to 5th grade level. Our goal is to score at least a K.4=Kindergarten year 4th month. There are some questions on the test that your child will not know...that is okay, remember that the material that is on this test is typically not taught until the end of this year or next year in HISD's curriculum. There's not a whole lot that you can study at home to prepare your child...we are reviewing in class and we are getting used to the format of the test in class. Like I said earlier, do not stress yourself or your child out. Everyone will do a great job!
Now that our new year is in full swing there are some supplies that need some replenishing..below are pictures of all the things that each child needs....crayons, markers, pencils, glue stick, glue bottle and erasers. Please send these to school as soon as possible! Thank you!

New year, new stuff!