We don't get too deep into fractions, but we do touch on them a little in 1st grade. I introduced this math concept by passing out some construction paper and asking the kids to fold the paper into 2 equal parts and 3 equal parts. 2 equal parts was pretty easy, but 3 equal parts were pretty tricky!
Today we did an activity where I had the kids build with pattern blocks. There was a catch though! They had criteria! They had to a certain number of pattern blocks in their group and in that group they had to have so much of a certain color. Confusing, I know, but here are some pictures to make it a little clearer.
Here's the criteria.
And here are the results!
Can you tell what this is? It's a battleship! Way to use your creativity, JS!
The kids had a great time and really used their imaginations with this activity!